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What's on the flash drive?
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What's on the flash drive?Escape from Tarkov퀘스트 중 하나 입니다.


I've seen tougher, not often tho. Ha! Screw it, whatever. I have a con here. What's with that look? Don't like the lingo? Yep, I did time, and? Why the bad eye? Two stretches, one in a juvie, second - two years in minimum security for disorderly conduct. Enough? We done with that? Finally, we can go without gracious word weaving! So look, there is this con. Can't say failproof, but likely interesting. One drunken punk's been blabbing that over the Contract Wars he used to guide several groups of VIPs who did not want to run into our troops or cops. And I agree with the latter. It's still possible to deal with war dogs, normal people are not uncommon among them, but cops are no damn good. Well, in the end, he walked through several such parties. Oh and fool as he his, he still had enough sense to steal everything he could during stops. Now he swears with his mom's name, that deadbeat, that he snatched two flash drives on his latest run. What was on them - if anything at all - he's got no clue. And he's been permanently shit-faced for so long that he can't remember anything at all - no location, no landmarks, nothing. Anyhow, he says there were some big kahunas with security detail, so might be worth a while. Check all possible campsites. I know that these paths have been beaten through and through since, but what if, all of a sudden?


  • PMC 8레벨 이상



네가 안에는 아무것도 없다고 말했어! 확인해 봐야겠어. 어쨌든, 그 안에 있는 것들은 내 거야.


연관된 퀘스트 아이템
아이콘 명칭 수량 용도 특징
Secure Flash drive Icon Secure Flash drive 2 제출
월드 스폰 아이템 입니다. 노획 가능한 보관함(Loot Containers)에서 스폰되지 않습니다.

USB는 가끔 삼림(Woods)의 벌목 캠프 주변의 텐트 혹은 세관(Customs)dorm room 110 (locked) 침대 위에서 발견됩니다. 또한 PC의 전면에 꽂혀 있기도 합니다. 그리고 나들목(Interchange)에는 많은 PC가 있기 때문에 이 맵에서 USB를 찾는 것이 좋을수도 있습니다. 특히 OLI, IDEA, Goshan의 사무실에는 여러대의 PC가 있어 한번 둘러보는것도 좋습니다.

Evil watchman에서 퀘스트 완료 보상으로 USB를 받습니다. USB를 찾기 힘든 분이라면 좋은 선택지가 될 것입니다.

  • 스키어(Skier)에게 USB를 제출할 때 반드시 인레이드 표시가 있는 두 개의 USB를 가지고 있어야 합니다. 다른 퀘스트처럼 USB를 하나씩 제출할 수 없습니다.
