Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Escape from Tarkov Wiki

Escape from Tarkov includes a robust health and damage system as part of the Hazardous Environment Combat Simulator.


  • Health and physical characteristics, including hydration, energy, blood loss, fractures, concussions, intoxication, exhaustion, tremors and so on.
  • A large variety of medical supplies and provisions to stay alive and focused.

Part specific status effects[]

Char head chest
  • Can't be fractured
  • Destroyed: Instant death. Note that bleeding into the destroyed state and health reduction from stimulants does not result in instant death, but any further damage will.
  • A destroyed head or thorax cannot be fixed with a surgical kit.
Char right arm
Right arm
  • Fractured: Using items and searching containers is 50% slower than normal speed. Reloading, drawing, and aiming weapons takes 67% more time.
  • Destroyed: Same as above, but additional damage taken will be distributed over the entire body's health pool at 0.49× the damage dealt.
Char Left Arm
Left arm
  • Fractured: Using items and searching containers is 67% slower than normal speed. Reloading and drawing weapons is 50% slower.
  • Destroyed: Same as above, but additional damage taken will be distributed over the entire body's health pool at 0.49× the damage dealt.
Char stomach
  • Can't be fractured
  • Destroyed: Massively increased dehydration and energy loss (5x the base loss, including Health skill effects), additional damage taken will be distributed over the entire body's health pool at 1.05× the damage dealt.
Char legs
  • Fractured: Each leg fractured reduces your speed by 45%. Decreased jump height. Disables sprinting unless under the painkiller effect. Sprinting causes further damage to the leg.
  • Destroyed: Same as above, but additional damage taken will be distributed over the entire body's health pool at 0.7× the damage dealt.

Temporary status effects[]

Destroyed parts healing[]

Destroyed body parts (except head and thorax) can be restored thanks to the CMS surgical kit or the Surv12 field surgical kit, surgical kits restore a destroyed part to 1 HP; so their use needs to be combined with medkits to be effective. Destroyed parts that are restored with a surgical kit only have 25% to 45% (CMS) or 60 to 72% (Surv12) of their max HP for the duration of the raid unless surgery is performed again on that body part, lowering it further.

Off-Raid Healing[]

When outside of a raid you will passively gain health, hydration, and energy. You can use Medical items to heal and Provisions to consume as if you were in a raid. To start you gain 456.6 HP/hour (7.61 HP/Min), 1 Energy/Min, and 1 Hydration/Min. Your passive gaining of stats can be increased through upgrading Hideout modules such as the Medstation and Rest Space to increase health regeneration, Nutrition Unit and Heating to increase energy regeneration, and Water Collector to increase Hydration recovery.

Therapist also provides healing to your character for a price after either dying or surviving with lost HP. For players at or below level 5 this service is free, otherwise this costs 30₽/HP at LL1 increasing to 33₽/HP at LL2, 36₽/HP at LL3, and 40.5₽/HP at LL4, being cheaper than any medkit sold at fixed prices. A light bleed costs 750₽ to heal, a heavy bleed costs 1,400₽, and a fracture costs 1,350₽, again cheaper than the items required.

With fixed prices, the best value medical item is the Grizzly medical kit.

First Aid Kit Current Price (₽) (Traders) Health Points ₽ per HP (rounded up)
Grizzly medical kit 79,739 1,800 45
Car first aid kit 11,795 220 54
AI-2 medkit 6,638 100 67
Salewa first aid kit 37,061 400 93
IFAK individual first aid kit 43,524 300 146
AFAK tactical individual first aid kit 61,617 400 155


After dying in a raid or going MIA (Missing in Action) you will be brought back to the main menu and lose all of the items that were on your character with exception of equipped armband, melee weapon and the contents of your secure container and special slots. Your health will be set to 30% and it will passively be regained over time. If you die to suicide, exhaustion, group members, disconnecting, Minefields, Claymores, Border Snipers or without a firearm equipped, your health will be set to 1% on all body parts instead.

Unimplemented Features[]

  • Biohazard/Intoxication
  • Radiation exposure
  • Blood pressure
  • Drug addiction/Hallucination
  • See also[]
