TerraGroup Labs
The notorious TerraGroup international corporation is one of the many foreign companies responsible for the illegal activities and research within Norvinsk and one of the key players in the scandal that turned the prosperous frontier into a collapsed war zone. USEC is believed to act as a proxy private army, protecting the company from an investigation by any means necessary.
TerraGroup is a transnational holding company whose subsidiaries engage in a wide range of activities. It incorporates over 40 large enterprises, represented by branch offices in over 120 countries of the world.
TerraGroup Labs PLC[]
Is a UK-based private limited company, a subsidiary of the TerraGroup international holding. The company officially deals in scientific research concerned with biotechnology applied in the agribusiness industry and farming and is strongly implicated in illicit activities across Norvinsk and Tarkov.
TerraGroup and UNTAR affiliation[]
On June 28, 2021, Battlestate Games tweeted a teaser image for patch 0.12.11.
The image contains a QR code, which when scanned will show the Latin phrase:
Vires in Scientia. Scientia est fortis. Et oculus spectans deus nobis.
When translated to English, this phrase means "Strength in Science. Science is strong. And the eye of God watching over us."
"Vires in Scientia" or "Strength in Science" is the motto of TerraGroup.
This phrase being hidden on an UNTAR document could indicate that TerraGroup has direct control, or influence over UNTAR. TerraGroup may be using UNTAR soldiers as replacement for the absent USEC operatives.